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Very well, Hamilton Burger said, yielding with poor grace. There was a rippl® of laughter in the courtroom. Mason and his secretary were silent for some seconds after the door had closed. I think Ive got them all. I may have to go see one or two of them so Im not sure when Ill be able to get home. Hancock? parroted Ekman. Who are you, Devine, really? I said,Well, we appreciate your time. Sorry you cant help us. No, I dont either, Vullo said. In fact, its rather refreshing. However, we do have a problem that you may be able to help us with. I trust you wont mind giving us your thoughts? Mike Edelstein was one of those Big Ten college fullbacks whod managed to keep in shape both physically and mentally. He was as fierce in the courtroom as hed been in his glory days at Michigan State. Mason said,Youll catch cold. You shouldnt . . It was our standard pitch and maybe if we hadnt been so tired, we would have caught the flicker in his eyes when he solemnly assured us that he had only the best interest of his local and the International union at heart and that he had nothing but respect and admiration for President Hundermark. Then he had said, My, my! A Chevrolet Impala sedan! Mmmm-mm! And again, if we hadnt been so tired, we might have caught a trace of the contempt in his voice, but after all, it was only eight votes and they seemed pretty safe, and besides, we still had Montgomery, Mobile, Memphis, Little Rock, Baton Rouge, and New Orleans to go. Oh, no, I dont want nothin to do with him and you shouldnt either, honey. He just wants to get you alone so he can ask you a bunch of questions.’ I dont know about you, I said, but I need several hundred drinks. You mean, besides being hunted by a lunatic? I believe I can manage that, Dino said, and reached again for the satphone. Fights over girls usually are, said Devine, who was still suspicious of why Chilton had even been at the bar that night. So, you frequent that place? Slick and I watched them until they disappeared into the pines. Then Slick said,I hate to be an alarmist, but do you keep a weapon in the house? Young Roger was upset, as I recall, I said. He went around making public statements about shoddy police work. I think he said shoddy. Nobody there now, the cop said. Dispatch said you thought youd hurt one of them bad or maybe killed them, but you mustve been mistaken. But we found some shell casings and some blood. Youre damn lucky, buddy. What the hell were you doing out there alone at that time? I mean, this is a pretty safe area, but you were just asking for it...