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Yeah, you know: There goes the boss again, talking to his cat all day long. Nothing at the time, but shortly after Alders murder I was in touch with the authorities. They wanted to go over my stock of canoes. I watch TV, too, Stone replied. Please dont call me again. He hung up. Immediately, the phone rang again. Heads I win, tails I win even bigger. And you, Grandma, you lose every single damn time. The man sniffed, eyed the woman, and in a wishful tone said,Well, on the streaming shows they almost always are. And the woman before her was just as hot. Hes trying. But it doesnt seem to be working. And Im not sure he’s giving her the right advice. He’s back on the maternal kick again.’ Id once seen a documentary on those things. How the producers of the shows ripped off the parents and how the parents — especially the mothers — turned their innocent little daughters into frightened participants in a nightmare of exploitation. Mothers screaming at their daughters when they didnt perform well; mothers evenslapping already neurotic and scared little daughters. Ive missed you, she said. Its a one twenty-five piece of shit, said Devine dully. No, I dont. But I think I finally know where it might be. Mr. and Mrs. Ewes? He knocked again, then tried the knob. It was unlocked. Well, I wanted to talk about what a rotten, no-good son of a bitch he is but Sally steered it around so that I found myself talking about what hed told me. Sallys no dummy and I thought she was trying to help me get him out of my system. Audrey looked at me and smiled, but the smile washalf sardonic, half rueful. She was pumping me, wasnt she, for this guy Quane? Dont bullshit me, son. I dont have the patience. But what can you do about it? Your boss said the whole thing might come tumbling down because of a bunch of corrupt politicians. Whew! Vanessa said. Can I persuade anybody to go to bed with me? Okay, prove it, Herbie said. The woman, Devine noted, did not. To be early means youll have to wait a few minutes, she said. Here. Fill this out. She moved a small form across her desk. I picked it up and read it. The form wanted my name, my spouses name, my occupation, my business address, my home address, my business and home phones, and mySocial Security number...

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