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Heavens, no. It was nearly ten minutes before Doxey returned, and Mason could hear the sound of the siren as a police car followed him. The lawyer walked out away from the doorway. Does she have any stock in this company? Mason asked. Oh, Your Honor, Gloster said, I.. Quite an act they had here. Showalter had his old self-confidence back. He was the cool guy once again. Do you think well hear more about Congresswoman Bradshaws abortion? Well, George Alder was lying face down in a huge pool of blood. Hed been shot through the neck with a thirty-eight caliber revolver, and the bullet had severed one of the big arteries, gone clean on through the neck and apparently didnt lodge anywhere in the room. That gives police the line of fire. The woman who shot him must have been standing right by the desk. Alder apparently fell in his tracks. No, shes fine. Really. How did you learn about that letter in the bottle? Dino left, and they sat down again, Vanessa in Stones lap. Im glad Dinos gone, she said. “I’ve missed you. Mason said,This has to be in strict confidence, Paul. Mason circled her with his arm.Bless you, Della. You worry as much about this as I do. Did you, Mason asked, ever give Roxy Claffin a revolver from your collection for her personal protection? Well, its tempting. Im just so damned busy. Thats right. Yes, sir. So what did he talk about? I said. I always like to watch people in a joint like this and…..