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As the Court hesitated, Mason said,I have repeatedly requested the sheriff to permit experts for the defense to see these premises. See. You even agree with me. So what the hell difference will it make if you give it forty-eight more hours? And do you keep a name list of the people who rent the canoes? Devine would probably need all of it and a little bit more to survive. Along with luck. And did you find it? Now, did you get a good look at that man? Some housewives were standing with their loaded shopping carts near the entrance of the store waiting for their husbands to drive up and put the groceries into their cars. Slick and I moved over and joined them. There were maybe twenty people at campaign headquarters. Most of them were working the phone banks. Of course. Maybe she will when she gets over the shock. PERRY MASON SMILED AT THE MATRON, SAID TO DOROTHY Fenner,Ail right, Dorothy, get your things ready. Youre going home. Sit down, please. You led me to him. Mason said,I submit, Your Honor, that the objection by the district attorney was not made in good faith but was simply a framework which enabled him to make the statement he did for the purpose of influencing the jury. A politician is shot at. A minimum-wage landscaper has six thousand dollars cash in his underwear drawer. A woman who claims to be his wife woos me out here... What, why? Chapter 6 It shows the number of the cab, it shows the number of the trip, and the amount that was paid, Mason said, unfolding the crumpled piece of paper. Then a loud crack sounded somewhere. The gunman whirled around to see what had caused it, giving Devine time to hit him at gut level. They went tumbling and the gun spun off into the darkness. As the men fought, Devine gripped the mans throat, placed his rebar-strong thumb against the left carotid, and at the same time pressed his index finger dead center of the throat. He crushed the carotid with his thumb and used his index finger to rupture the trachea. The man stopped struggling and went limp...