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Just doing his job. Im afraid I have been careless, not to say stupid. She started telling me all this when I was fifteen. I hated him for it but I had to admit in a painful way it was sort of fascinating. Fourteen weeks. Shed tell me when he had a new one — she trained me to see the signs. And hear them. The only time I ever heard my father sing was when he was having an affair. It was so stupid. Youd think hed be aware of something like that.’ A soft laugh. He has a really terrible voice. And he always sang the same song. Lost in Love. The song is as bad as his voice. Really lame. Mom always wondered if he sang it to his girlfriends.’ Dino shook his head.Nah, youre too rich for that. You can hire your own. When did you see her next? Mason asked, quite casually. Ill bet youre looking for our Jane Doe, arent you? Sold at twenty-five thousand dollars, Stone said. And Ill need a full tank of gas, the original owners manual, and the factory tool kit. He saw a display of helmets on the wall. “And the best helmet youve got.” And as a rule, dinner was right on time? She nodded.I want to help you find out who set Cory Tucker up. It sure as shit didnt look like much then, did it, Harvey? Sergeant Young, Stone said. I believe it would, yes. Okay, Devine, said Hancock. You and the lady are going to get jacked. Taken to a really, really bad section of the Bronx, robbed and killed, and your bodies dumped in an alleyway for NYPD to find and lots of forensic evidence that a particularly violent gang did the honors. And the cops will also find evidence tying you to Chiltons murder. He was in love with the lady here, and you cut him out. You and he previously fought over another chick. He tried to get the lady back, and you decided to end it and put him in the pool to try and implicate poor Mr. Cowl here. That was easy enough to do since the lady here has a key to the place and she told the staff to leave. We know you met up with Chilton the night of his death outside the place where his grandfather lives. You made arrangements for him to meet you at Mr. Cowls home. And he did. And you killed him. All while Mr. Cowl wasnt even in town. Even with that, you cant hide the computers MAC address. Every device has MAC address attached to network card. Is like fingerprint. And Cowl intimated my picture was on the security video. Will the police think Im stupid enough to have left that kind of trail?..