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He next located Wanda Simms and decided to be more direct with her. The matron said with a laugh,Dont mind me, Mr. Mason. I have one-way ears… Perhaps Id better withdraw for a while. You have the bail bond and the order for release? Certainly, Mason said. I wanteverything else— fast. Guy here is looking for Dave Fletcher. How about you give me one minute and thirty seconds in the hall? Sure. The figure of the young woman appeared at one of the windows. She slid over the sill and lowered herself. The long skirt momentarily caught on the window sill, then she let go with her hands and, with a flutter of billowing skirts, dropped to the ground and started running. No, Mason said, smiling. Yes, sir. You want me to make a list of questions to ask her? Longmire turned himself into a hotshot campaign manager, Murfin said. Im surprised you didnt know. He read the rest of the letter. Strategic Services. My Girl Scout leader used to do stuff like this. Yeah. Not intentionally, but nevertheless it fell between the cracks somewhere. Well, I started getting a howl from here and a squeal from there and so I asked our guy whos supposedly our liaison with labor what the hells going on. He fished the kids report out from between the cracks, dusted it off, and tried to pass it off to me as being freshly written. Well, it looked grim, but what the hell, everything looks grim in a campaign like this. But something about the report bothered me so I asked to see the person who’d written it. Freddie shifted his gaze to his new interrogator.If I went in for boys, Rollo, Id pick one with a real sweet little candy-ass like yours...

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