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Ill think about it, I said and then said good-bye. Do you know a Jennifer Stamos? She tried to say something and failed. But his Ford was parked at the curb, which meant he was probably inside unless Cindy had taken him somewhere. Well, do you know anything at all about it? Yes, sir. Alder said,All right, what are your terms? Well, I guess the Bradshaws have got the money. Im sorry. If he needs help then Ill let the police chief know that and he can arrange to handle this without any threat of violence. Chapter 5 Youre a very convincing liar, she said, returning his kiss. You must get a lot of practice. But you know nothing about motorcycles, Dino pointed out. Weil, never mind. Well prove that by the housekeeper, Gloster said. Now, there is one more question. How was the defendant dressed when she went out? Thats not quite the way we had it planned, dear boy, Slick said. Anything else, Paul? I think Ill pass, I said. Yes, of course. I liked the overalls better. Whos paying you the bunch of money? Im sorry if I interrupted anything. Did you grow up there?..