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And, Mason went on, one other witness who compared it with the original, a witness whose name Im not prepared to disclose at the moment. By going in after it. So when does my turn come? The team leader looked back at him and gave him a thumbs-up. He took a small meter from his case and set it on the floor next to the spot. Shortly, the needle moved straight up, then returned to zero. He got up and motioned Stone back to the front door, then outside. Myers knitted his brows and then said,I had to explain things to Sam, and I was all tongue-tied, so that took a bit. Then he had to call the cops, then he had to get another guy to cover the lobby. Mighta been like six, eight minutes, something like that. Maybe a little longer. I wasnt looking at my watch. Ido know after we got back up no one went near that door other than me and Sam. And the wife? I thought you were going back upstairs for a nap. Now, he said, I want to come to terms. I... I... know certain things in confidence, Mr. Mason. I— What would you like me to do? Come and take him away? Youre Travis Devine? You work at Cowl and Comely? Where a woman was found dead? This one wasnt a lie. I believed he could be set free in five hours. Of course, if he wasnt hed see it as a lie. Mr. Lutts went into the office of his son-in-law, Herbert Doxey, who is the secretary of the corporation. He was holding some papers in his hand. As soon as he saw me sitting in that outer office, he hurriedly moved his hands so as to conceal the papers. I thought you liked a challenge. And you couldnt trace the message. I thought Id give you a shot at redemption. Drake shrugged his shoulders.She was listed as Unidentified Dead. You know what happens in those cases The bodies are tmned over to the state for purposes ol dissection and what have you. Theyre supposed to be held for thirty days. They got out of the car and crossed the street.Dont go peering through the window, Dino said. “Hell spot us from inside...