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Commissioner Bacchetti, please. Thirty-Five How close were you to the defendant? How do you know? Mason asked. Suppose the district attorney should subpoena her. If you had been talking to me, you would have been talking to your lawyer. The communication would have been confidential and privileged. Anything you told Ruth Marvel isnt privileged. If the district attorney gets wind of it and puts her on the stand, she either has to tell what you told her or become an accessory after the fact. You know why. The minute Enny knew that I was out there with George Lutts, hed know right then and there that I was the one who had brought you into the company. The money that I invested, trying to save my marriage, would prove to be the thing that hopelessly wrecked it. Sustained, Judge Sedgwick ruled. The same day that Sally Raines got killed. He came out with Doxey? Yes. Murfin and I saw it. Were going to have to talk to the police. Lots of chance that it wasnt Corrine Lansing, Drake said, but no chance that it wasnt the person who had been confined there and whom Minerva apparently identified on the day of her death. Yeah? Well, its rather difficult to work out a combination of that sort because the situation varies from time to time and person to person. Of course, Mr. Mason, there are essentially no differences of opinion except on minor matters. We are engaged in a constructive real estate development, and, quite naturally, everyone is interested in promoting that development so that it will work out to the best interest of all concerned. Yeah? Mason caught Della Streets eye. Go with her, Della. Get her out of here. His phone rang.Hello?..