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You sound like a prisoner awaiting execution, she noted. Yes, indeed. Mason looked at her, nodded absently, his mind on the problem before him. All his money? Well, they were a little over average height, about average weight, and they moved as if they were in pretty good shape so Id say that they werent too old. Oh, do you have to be somewhere? I nodded and smiled.Well, you know what the mails are. I dont know. But those two guys who were watching Audreys house yesterday must have been watching it for Sally, not Audrey. Terribly fast, even for you. You see, hes getting ready to come to me and face the situation, and today is our fifth wedding anniversary, although the thought hasnt as yet occurred to him. Im through about three layers of obstruction. I can see why Will was having trouble, but Ill keep working on it. I see it now as a cool challenge. I was hoping you wouldnt see it. Ill be there in ten minutes. Stone hung up and turned to the owner again. Harvey, the cash will be here in ten minutes. While Im waiting, I’d like to see the title, the original title, the registration, and the original owner’s manual — and the original tool kit. Oh, and I’d like it filled up and your best helmet and delivered to my house in Manhattan tomorrow morning at ten. Hes like you. Hes begging me to change my mind. He keeps thinking if he reminds me long enough about all the big parties people have in the winter months that Ill weaken. But I won’t. There’s a time to fight and a time to retreat.’ Its nothing personal. But this is how I put food into my familys mouths. So nobodys messing with that. Good thinking. You can watch me on television. Well, there were some old inner tubes, there were some boards that had been on some sort of a packing case, there was a coil of old wire, and there was some scrap iron. There was a stool, a pretty good stool, some torn canvas sacks. I suppose at most other times he would have irritated, if not enraged me. A woman is shot at and you show up to see if maybe tonight the shooter will return and get lucky. Christian told me he was thinking about investing in it. Id remembered it was a cool site. I went on there and found Sara Ewes...