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Drake looked at Della Street, sighed and said,Well, it sounds reasonable enough now, but thank heavens I wasnt the one that was in there trying that case, with a two-timing client and a district attorney who was laying for my scalp, and me with my fingerprints on the canoe. Stone didnt reply. He was trying to figure out what to do about the giant boulder rushing at them. He aimed his left headlight at it. Hang on! he said. I left the Army under a sort of cloud. It messed with my head. My old man always wanted me to go for the money, so I decided to do what he wanted. There I go thinking again. Please ignore my brain. I dont want that to happen to you, sweetie. If you got taken out wed have to start paying for airplane flights and foreign vacations. Devine looked both intrigued by and wary of this theory.And his motive? The judge said,Dont interrupt me. Im trying to check these things. Lets see, I’m going to count these trips on your trip sheet. This would have been trip nine-seventy-one... seventy-two... seventy-three... seventy-four... seventy-five... All the damn taxes I pay, lets see how long it takes for them to get here. If youre going to be technical about it, I dont know. Thats to the point, Tom. Dorseys an idiot but he does well onstage. She checked the delicate silver watch on her delicate wrist. Hey, lunchtime. You really scared me when you said you were scared. I want to see Karen Fosters car, Showalter. Have a claims adjuster look it over. But I knew that was it. I had to restrain myself from laughing. It was exactly the right and wrong thing to say on a night like this when so much turmoil ruled. Dorley Alder seated himself comfortably in the big overstuffed clients chair and seemed to fill it completely. Chapter 42..