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Wade said,You followed me. So now Larkin is in the wind with eight hundred grand. She was nice. She worked hard. She was moving up at the firm. Valentine closed his laptop and looked up.Shoot, dude. And doubts. Devine put his phone away and looked out at the water. This was where he and Stamos had gone that day. He eyed the Statue of Liberty and looked back to see Montgomery watching him. No, my worry was that if I found him Id have to call Cindy and tell her. And that I wasnt up to. Thats one of the questions that I choose not to answer. Just checking for wires and stuff. Can never be too careful these days. Take out your phone and turn it off. Got it. Stone hung up. Upon further consideration he retrieved his little Terry Tussey .45 auto and its light shoulder holster and hung it next to his jacket. Now if that dont happen and we go out on this strike that theyre talking about, well, a lot of you people right here in this room arent gonna have jobs to go back to when the strike’s over. And the ones who do have jobs to go back to might be given a little piece of paper to sign. Andyou wanta know what that little piece of paper is gonna be? Well, I’ll tell you. That little piece of paper is gonna be a yellow-dog contract and that’ll be the end of your union because the city’ll have you by the balls. Dino joined him.Is that it? he asked, pointing aloft. That was when the shots came. How much does Vullo know about me? He looked at his watch. One oclock. There was a dining hall on the third floor. It had great food, everything from tofu, plant-based burgers, sushi, couscous of every flavor and description, to grilled fish, all varieties of pasta, and veggie, vegan, and pescatarian offerings, along with meats for carnivores, and delectabledesserts, all free, with cooks and eager servers just waiting to help you. And none of the Burners ever went there, because, one, they were afraid to get out of their seats, and, two, they were even more afraid that some executive would see them on the third floor in a place meant for people to eat, actually placing food in their mouths. No. About that, Murfin said. Then everybody found out that it wasnt a boom after all. What it was was sort of a popcorn fart. I think were done here...