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Why would you ask that? Is it something Sara mentioned? And now youre trying to play all innocent by offering up your DNA. You make me sick. I dont want to kill you, but orders are orders. I dont know. Just thinking out loud. Maybe the killer murdered each person in ways to symbolize thereason why they were killed. At one time we were friends, but then he decided that hed rather be friends with Mix than with me so were not friends anymore. Shell be fine, Ted, Jess said. So, when you told the district attorney fifty thousand dollars in jewelry was taken, you were excited? Indeed, Stone said. I wouldnt make any accusations, Sheriff, Mason said. Ten thousand, Murfin said quickly. Ten thousand for two months work. If you turn it, another ten thousand. He always writhes. Its like hes a little kid in a theater with a horror movie on the screen. He does everything except slap his hands over his face. Then you have to work harder in order to get a better job to pay for that, and by the time youve done that you have to start entertaining, and that means you need a house and have to have a car. Then you work harder and you get a better job… Thats what I surmised. Devine slugged the man on the head with the butt of his gun and Hancock fell unconscious to the floor. Then Devine looked at Cowl.You were saying? Im just sayin. Yes, sir. I shut the dog up when I came to court. He will be happy to follow my orders to wait there. When I get home he will be glad to see me. Hamilton Burger turned and walked back to his counsel table, giving one swift, triumphant glance in Masons direction as he passed the table...

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