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Ill call Sidney Dayton to the stand, Burger said. I bet. It must have been traumatic as hell. The Locust Group. Mason pursed his lips in thought. Oh, I almost forgot. A pass to the election-night party is being delivered to you. Dont lose it. Maybe we should talk it over, I said, raising my voice just a little. Jah. keiv dating agency What else should I do? I bet. By that time of the morning there must have been a full house up on the fifty-second. Did you sleep with her? Not being square with me was part of it. Military dude, now trying to make it in the investment world? What kind of bullshit is that? Howd you know about that? Chapter 14 The Court knows quite well what youre trying to establish, Judge Sedgwick said. Youre entitled to cross-examine this witness, and when you argue the case to the jury, you are entitled to engage in any reasonable surmise. But you cant use this witness as a sounding board against which to make a premature argument to the jury. Now, go ahead. Hold everything, Mason said, swinging the canoe abruptly toward the anchored yacht. Grab something so you can hang on. I wish shed come home. Mason hung up, looked at his wristwatch, said to Della,Well, youd better stay on, too. Ill buy you a dinner. And then when you picked up a passenger, did you report that fact? Did you follow a course which would take you near the point shown on this map, Peoples Exhibit A?..