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Oh, it does, does it, Mason said. I can have a crazy wife in a nut house and nobody minds. I think it even gets me a few votes. It wouldnt have perhaps ten years ago, but it does now. But I cant divorce her and marry someone else and lead a normal life because that would be desertion and senators dont desert their crazywives. Not yet. She broke off as Masons form suddenly became rigid. What is it, Chief? Whats the matter? I noticed there was a gun in the glove compartment. Mrs. Ruth Marvel, Hamilton Burger said. Or I should say I found Rose Mary amusing until I got the digital recorder back to my office after Showalter took his own life and Detective Wade went into the hospital with a serious wound between his shoulder and his heart, leaving me with the recorder overnight. I was about to ring again when I heard his voice ask,Who is it? He didnt open the door to just anyone. Not many people in Washington do, other than my sister. But Slick had grown especially wary since the time he reluctantly had opened it to a soft-spoken young couple who claimed to be Jehovahs Witnesses. They had promptly bopped him overthe head and made off with about $2,000 in cash and valuables. Your mother still in the whorehouse business, Freddie? I said. She said that her lawyer had told her to get this cab, to have me ride around with her, and pay him off when the meter got to two dollars and ninety-five-cents. Dorley Alder took a leather-backed notebook from his pocket, said,I told you that youd made an ally. Ill now prove it. The gun with which my nephew was shot was his own gun. Send her to the ladies, Lance said. Keep talking. Yes, sir. Lance is sending some CIA people over to check everything out. Dont shoot them, and compare their faces to the photos on their IDs. Youre getting out of here, Mason told her. Judge Lankershim admitted you to twenty-five hundred dollars bail, and a surety company has put up the money. Hang it, the sheriff-said, as they hurried across the yard, thats what comes of letting your stooges get out here without anyone watching them. They planted a gun and . ...