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Mason said,Get Dorothy Fenner on the phone, Della. Tell her that I am anxious to have her keep away from George Alder, and for the moment not to be available to Dorley Alder. Scrambled. What is it, Stone? Yes. The two bullets from the Peters shells have now been found. The U.M.C. bullet is missing. I nodded and moved away. Wow. The f-word. I was hoping we could eliminate the red tape, she said, then went back to her office. The hell of it is, I cant, Mason said. My hands are tied. I had been thinking all along that Claud Gloster would introduce that letter contained in the botde which the police must have found when they went through George Alders effects. I thought that hed try to introduce the evidence of the burglary, claim that it was all part of the res gestae and, as his motive, claim that Dorothy Fenner had gone back there to try to get that letter. Just a minute, Mason said. I want to cross-examine. Campbell looked at them and said,If this is the killer, hes targeting you for some reason. Any ideas on that? The Court went through the usual preliminary incidents, calling court to order, having the attorneys stipulate that the jurors were all present, that the defendant was in court. Then Judge Sedgwick glanced at the crowded courtroom.The Court wishes to remind the spectators, he said, “that this is a court of justice. It is not a theatre. The Court will tolerate no disturbances, no indication of public feeling in this matter. The Court will clear the courtroom if there is any violation of decorum. What? In December, Ellen replied. I get that, but you wouldnt think the guy would want to go back there tonight of all nights. I mean, with Saras having died there today. Shes on the telephone. She says she simply has to talk with you right now. I told her I didnt know whether you were in, that I thought you had left for the day but that Id try to find out. I went out, but came back to wait for my boy friend, and when the phone rang I answered it. So I told the housekeeper to go on up like I just told you. I said Miss Fenner was out. NYPD may be rethinking that, noted Devine. If the copsre involved in this, when do you think itll be over? They wont rest till they get that recorder. And by the way, I ain’t goin’ anywhere. This ismyplace. I worked half my life payin’ for it and I ain’t about to run away.’..