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It depends on what you mean by inspect, the sheriff said. You keep saying that. Why dont I believe you? But not if he won ten million, instead of two, Dino said. I know that; can I tell you what happened? It makes it sound absurd when you express it that way. You know who it makes you look a little like? Enny found out that the new freeway was going to come very close to this property, that they would need a lot of dirt for a fill. So, while Lutts was picking up options at a more or less leisurely pace, Enny, representing Roxy, swooped in and got hold of all the property to the north. Then he made the first deal with the contractor who was constructing the freeway and sold him dirt for the fill. Again there was a silence. The back door was locked but the large window opening on the kitchen was not. A bad oversight for somebody as paranoid as Grimes. Mason said,I dont know. Theyve hit us two body blows. The one which indicates that Dorothy Fenner was down there on the day of the murder is bad enough, but the other one is a stem winder. I dont know, she said. How long could we stay? He rang up the meter? Whats the occasion? she said. The last time you dropped by you were wearing your Big Mack overalls and your shitkicker high-tops. Please add the ballistics report on that one to the other one youre sending to Lance. Chilton took a step back and said,I got a meeting to get to. ..

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