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You really need to leave? Where? She didnt take her own life. This is now ahomicide investigation. By trial and error I had turned myself into a pretty fair vegetable gardener and a so-so goatherd. But what I did best was grow Christmas trees. With the aid of the county agent, a proselyter for the John Birch Society, and some additional advice from the Soil Conservation Service, I had eight years ago planted 11,000 white pines. Sentimentalists from as far away as Washington and Baltimore now came with their kids at Christmas to pick out and chop down their own trees. I furnished the axe. If they couldnt use an axe, they could use my chain saw. I charged five dollars a tree regardless of its size. But this year I was thinking of charging ten. After all, I had had to watch them grow. I want to see it do that before we head that way, Stone said. I alerted the world, Dino said. And you followed? Well, I took her to the Union Station and drove away. 41 Now, then, Mason said, when you returned to this city you saw an ad in the paper inserted by George S. Alder, did you not? Where were you educated? Mason asked. Because they were always involved when Larkin had dirty work to do. Splashing out from the island in a very thin dinner dress, and not much else, a savage dog in hot pursuit Thank you. Do you think I can interest my husband — again? The distant motorcycle was only a block away now, and shifting down. The machine, with a single rider, appeared, hopped up onto the curb outside Clarkes, and the driver got off and peered through the window. Hamilton Burger said,From the time you first saw her on the third, did you ever see her again until you saw her in the lineup on the fourth? Thats the deal? Mason asked. So, a bulletproof vest would make me Stone-proof? Whats wrong, Dino? You look terrible. No, I dont. But I think I finally know where it might be...