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Where are the girls? Dino asked. Is there something in her room that she shouldnt see. How would you like to go to Paris for a few days? The first cop I saw, I asked,Any idea where Congresswoman Bradshaw is? The world is upside down. Good is bad and bad is deified. He stared warily at her.How do you know that? Devine hesitated. I had the recorder all along. I called Showalter and told him I wanted a hundred thousand for it. Its my turn to have some money in this life. He said all right. But when I showed up for the hand-off at the boat dock somebody fired at me. Showalter. So I hid the recorder and Im hiding myself. Im gonna give him one more chance to pay up. I got a call into him now. If I turn up dead you let Cindy know about this letter and the stick match. She’ll know where the recorder is.Grimes The priest paused, then glanced away. He bit on his lower lip, thinking about things. Mason grinned, and said,Ever hear the story about the American who went to the foreign country and got into trouble with one of the slick businessmen there? There was no desk in the room, just an oak library table against one dark-paneled wall. The drapes were of plum velvet and the carpet was a deep mauve color. In front of the street windows were a couple of comfortable-looking wing-backed leather chairs with a small table in between them. The chairs would be nice to sit in after a good lunch and watch it rain on the pedestrians. There was also a couch or two in the room, one of which looked like it would be just right for an afternoon nap. Flanking the fireplace was a cane-backed settee and a deep leather armchair that a man was sitting in, an open grey file on his lap. He looked up at me, put the file down on a table that held a 1908-type telephone, and got up. He didnt offer to shake hands; instead he nodded at me, and gestured that I should sit on the settee. He typed it into his phone:Bradley Cowl negative stories. Ive got one of those in the car, Dino said. Then how do you know it wasnt me? Why... he had a right to. He was the secretary of the company that was co-operating with me in— In a way. We understood each other and respected each other. Daddy didnt confide very much in anyone. You were the perfect choice, Travis. I did all the analysis. Youre an Army Ranger, so you know how to kill people. You slept with Sara. You wanted a relationship with her and she rejected you. No one could really be certain you werent the father. Those are motives to kill. I tried to be very logical in choosing you. But the main thing was you loved the woman I loved. In a way you took her away from me. Stand up, now! barked Hancock. She laughed and said,Already you have acquired the Mexican custom of ending a sentence with a question. My aunt laughs at me about that habit but she has it herself. We will make a question and say no on the end when perhaps the answer, of course, is yes, but we say ‘no as a question to make it easyfor the person who answers...