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She said she was all right. What I need to work at is finding out who killed all those people. It takes all kinds to make a firm of New York lawyers, Mr. Gunderson, Stone said. Now, if you will give me an hour or so, Ill see what I can learn about this transaction. You can grow fast when the city council gives you all its business. Did you get the bail fixed? Mason asked. Yes, sir. What I mean is if Mr. Quane thought he knew what happened to Mr. Mix, why would he call you? Why wouldnt he call the police? Ive got some good weed if youre interested. Judge Hoyt frowned. Im still advising you that,under the law, you have to report this to the police. Did he have any identification? Vanessa asked. In various places. Lets go! Stone yelled. Follow the Navaho! Do you think he has a chance? Thats because theyd been seriously wounded, Granddad. Well just go to the ER.’..