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Beat what out of him? Stone asked. Yes, sir, I think you should, Murfin said and smiled his polite little smile again. He looked around the room and noticed several people staring at him before quickly looking away. This had happened so frequently throughout the day that Devine finally stood and walked over to one woman who had done this multiple times. No, no. The private unlisted telephone, Mason said. I want to be sure I catch him. Stone found a zippered pocket inside, opened it, and extracted an iPhone.You want to call Sig? he asked. How was he dressed? Yes. That afternoon — after the directors meeting. We went over to the restaurant and had a couple of hamburgers. You know all that, Mason. Ive told you all this. It went to voice mail. He tried again. Same thing. He texted her and awaited a reply. Nothing. He went online and scanned the news about a bodys being found at Brad Cowls house. Audrey lit another of her long brown cigarettes. This time it seemed to taste better to her.Noble, she said. “He was being noble. Sad, noble and nervous. Twenty-Eight Were searching for metal, Mason said, metal which may have been buried a foot or so under the surface of the soil. He stumbled, dropped to his knees and started the kind of gagging that meant hed soon enough be puking. Yes. Can you do something about it? she said, not taking her gaze off Devine. Are you acquainted with the defendant in this case?..