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Devine had secretly dated Ewes while they both worked at Cowl. They had slept together, but only once. He had wanted more, maybe much more, in the way of a relationship with her. But then it was over. And now she was dead? Dino found the TVs remote control and turned up the volume on his cricket match. But, no, Devine had seen enough assholes in the world to know that Cowl was staring athim and seeinghim, and there was a good reason for it. Yes, he said, they did. He took another swallow of his drink. “It was really quite a scheme, wasnt it? First, they set up the Foundation. Then your uncle and Vullo had Mix kidnapped. After that they went to Gallops.” We have Cowl and Bartlett, for that is indeed who Karl Hancock is. But there is no electronic trail left from Area 51. Its been NSA-level wiped. What we have on the photos and the camera feed isnt enough. There is no chain of custody. Well be laughed out of court. But with Cowl cutting a deal we think we can get there in the end. Why didnt he go directly back to his island home? Why did he come all the way here? You mean the one that Mr. Harlan gave me? Thats true, he conceded. The first cop I saw, I asked,Any idea where Congresswoman Bradshaw is? Audrey was silent for a moment, as though thinking.Four weeks ago, she said. “It must have started about four weeks ago. Near Harpers Ferry. And I wont be happy with what you find. I see it, Dino said. Its right there. As Faith pronounced her inspection complete, a van pulled up, unloaded their luggage, and stowed it. Detectives were employed and searched without getting any tangible results. It was, however, definitely established that the woman was mentally unbalanced at the time of Tier disappearance...