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You bastard! Showalter lurched forward as he said this. Wed managed, as Id hoped, to confuse him for a moment. Now he couldn’t afford to shoot us. We’d warned the priest. Showalter would have no way of defending our deaths with the priest as our witness. Of course. We speculated as to just who it might be. Herbert thought it might be either Cleve Rector or Ezekiel Elkins. He wouldnt have put it past either one of them to have manipulated things in that way, so that trouble could have been stirred up. Trisha Marshall happened, Dino. Number nine on your list, right before you. Sure, Dino said, and sat down with his phone. If youre not sure its the guy pull your left earlobe. He demonstrated, correctly. A woman in her forties in hospital scrubs met him in the foyer a few moments after that. Depression times came to mind. Poor people dragging themselves across the land in search of work probably stayed in places like these. And back then they would probably have been glad to have gotten them. They were preferable to sleeping outside in the rain and snow. And if you did it right you could probably pack a family of five or six inside them. There were migrant workers today in this home of the free and the brave who still lived this way. I guess thats what must have happened. I read he knocked off an American doctor in London. That dates you right there. Speers sat down next to him and took his hand, squeezing it in a firm grip.Im sorry, I should have been there sooner. Im so sorry. Which cocksuckers are we talking about? You better not say anything like that to poor Cindy. Shes out of her mind already. Dave, he told me about the recorder the night the Bradshaw woman got shot at. Told me how scared he was. He said he just wanted out of his little group. Said he made the recording for his own protection. I thought of goin to the police but I knew if I did hed be in trouble.’ Right there before me he went from tired to wasted. He didn’t say so, but he likes to hide shit. He’s like a little kid. He tells me about stuff he’s got hidden but he never tells me where it is. But I got a pretty good idea.’ Howd you know where to find me? I said. Now, Mr. Dixon, directing your attention to the late afternoon of the third, will you tell us what happened of your own knowledge with reference to Miss Fenners apartment? What was the relative position of the gun and the binocular case? Darned if it doesnt, Mason grinned. Everythings covered? he asked...