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Food was brought and the men began to eat. And, Mason said, pointing his finger at her, you went to see George S. Alder on the evening of the third at about the hour of nine oclock P.M., didnt you? Now, just a minute before you answer, Carmen. Remember that your movements can be traced on that night. Did you follow the woman to the bar and pretend to hit on her? Otherwise, Im feeling a bit of a coincidence here. Dino and I are coming your way, Stone said. Okay, Nelson said and then he said, Where are we going? in French. Frankly, I learned as much as I know from my nephew, George S. Adler. He started to confide in me, then changed his mind. I knew enough to know there had been such a letter. I wanted to find out more about it. I asked Dorothy if she had heard anything about it. She hadnt. I hoped my question would inspire her to make inquiries of Pete Cadiz. The Dorsey campaign had fielded a new theme:Trust is all that matters. I had the radio on so I could hear the first two spots they were running. Nothing surprising and the same kind of thing wed have done in Dorseys position. We won the election by six points. If you feel that way about it, Mason said, think about me. Even on airplanes? So why tell me? The year after we left, the Chiltons had to sell their home. It was a big estate, but old, outside of Boston. Before we left, I remember overhearing Mr. Chilton a couple of times talk about bankruptcy. My older sister was in college by then. My younger sister and me and our parents moved to an apartment in another part of Massachusetts. My parents got other jobs. I did some local modeling gigs and worked as a waitress until I went off to college for a year. Thats right, Gallops. Warner B. Gallops. Well, as I was saying, this guy who supposedly was in tight with the PEU went down to see Gallops to ask what the hell was going on and to point out that if they struck the ten biggest cities in the country, then Im going to be stone cold dead on November second. Della Street walked rapidly down the corridor, fitted her latchkey to the lock of the door to Masons private office. They entered and Della Street ran through the telephone directory, jotted down a number. They hurried through the door as though going to the judges chambers, then detoured to an exit door, sprinted down the corridor, down a flight of stairs and took an elevator. Yes, sir...