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I can make some money. My old man can be proud of me. I thought we had a gentlemens agreement that if any offer was made for our stock wed each give the other directors the first refusal. Four men edged from the shadows. Where? Why not? Worse and worse and worse. Id been thinking that Grimes had just gotten scared and was hiding out. But the envelope made me wonder if he was up to something else only he could concoct. bounds simple, Mason said. Stone and Dino had just settled into Stones study when his cell phone rang. Go and win a Pulitzer, Elaine. And screw the powers that be and the dark money they suck on. I didnt much like him but I felt professionally sorry for him. All he wanted to do was make Ted look and sound as good as possible. But, as usual, Ted was determined to get his own way. I remember now, Corsing said. He picked Atlanta. The wife just had baby number three. Were kind of tied down right now. The only other thing I might consider is working at the casino being a dealer or something. They make pretty good money for the area. He seemed amused now. Of course, the whole place is for shit. This is like some little redneck town where I grew up in Arkansas. Thats why I was comfortable here at first. But no more. The wife had two years of college and she thinks this is strictly Hicksville.’ I nodded.It was interesting. Sort of. Like I said, I just want it over with. I dont even care about it anymore. I wish Dave hadnt recorded anything. No next time for me. I know when my lucks tapped out. Well, the first thing I know these six guys that I never heard of before fly out from Washington. But they dont come near me. So the next thing I know theres this special meeting of the Councils board of directors and here’re these six guys sitting there, not up to the table, you know, but back up against the wall. They all look alike. Maybe thirty or thirty-three, smooth-looking jaspers with real nice suits and shiny shoes. And from what I hear each of ’em’s carrying enough cash money to burn a wet mule. So they bought it. The vote, I mean. There was a motion to dispense with my services, it was seconded, there’s this six to five vote, and I’m outa my fuckin’ job just two months before I’m eligible for a pension. Well, I start nosing around and I find out that these guys laid out about twenty thousand dollars cash money to rig the vote on the board of directors. I can’t prove it, but that’s what I hear and it adds up because the next time I see old Sammy Noolan — you remember old Sammy who never had a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of either — well Sammy’s driving a Pontiac GTO and he never drove nothing better’n a second-hand Ford in all his life...

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