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No, sir, I didnt. I think it had just been a closet that had had a ventilator put in it. You could see the dog had been kept in there at intervals—there was a bed, a pan of water, and the inside of the door was just scratched all to pieces where ihe dog had tried to get out when the minder was committed. He had torn a nail loose in his clawing. Only a precaution, Stone replied. I got to the hospital in time to spend a full hour with Karen. Joan entered, waving her .45 around.Theyre on it, boss! she said. Good Lord, hes standing back of his wife. You dont mean to insinuate that he— How do you determine the time of death? Good. Thats what I was going to suggest. He finished his lunch at a leisurely pace and accepted another glass of the Cakebread from the stewardess. How can I believe that? No, he knew exactly who he wanted to talk to, and that is you. Holster your weapon before you do, Stone yelled. Keep digging. When we first met, it was believed that Sara killed herself. Now the police think she was murdered. That changes everything, including my mission for you. You know her? she asked. I decided to talk some more anyhow. It might just keep me alive.You made a couple of mistakes, you know. Minor ones. There was a ripple of laughter in the courtroom, and Judge Sedgwick indulgently joined in the levity to the extent of smiling, after which, however, he held up his hand, signifying that he wanted complete silence in the courtroom. It was the same guy as always. He grinned at Devine.Trying to get a jump on tomorrow so soon? Go get em. Fred is waiting for you at the curb; you dont have to sneak in and out of the house anymore. She hung his platinum pass around his neck, too. So they wont throw you out...