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She wants to change my bandage. Thats not good. Before they could decide what to do, the van started up and backed out of its parking space. Joan entered, waving her .45 around.Theyre on it, boss! she said. If I knew what the hell you were talking about, Id answer you. But I dont. I must be pretty dumb, because I dont see where all this is going, Travis. Then what? Oxley looked up at me.You wanta know the reason why he says he knew they were Levis? Oh, Your Honor, Gloster said, this is .. I didnt think so. You know who it makes you look like? The standard is blue, but there are silver, gold, and platinum ones, as well. Yours is the latter, so afterward you can have it melted down and turned into a tie pin, or something. Also, it opens the door to two rooms: a bedroom across the hall from my suite and my suite. Youre welcome anytime, after the polls close, when your presence can no longer do any damage. Colton nodded to Alder.This way, Mr. Alder, he said. You never, she said, smiling. I wish I could do that. I hear youre in trouble again, a womans voice said. It was Viv, Dinos wife, who was the COO of Strategic Services, the world’s second-largest security company. Well, that pretty much ruins my day. Maybe you ought to tell Jenny, I said. They walked back into the main room. No, Murfin said, you never did. Well, Myers had access to the building, like you said, countered Montgomery. He got permission from Campbell, and they left the hotel. Devine used his security card to get into the Cowl Building. It being a weekend and the firm probably going under, the place was pretty much empty. They rode the elevator up to the fifty-second floor and got off. Devine led Montgomery over to the storage closet and opened the door...

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