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Any details on why he thought that? Mason said,Its a legal classic. The businessman sued the American for a large sum of money which he claimed he had loaned the American with which to start a business venture. The American went to a lawyer, complained bitterly, and wanted to go on the stand and swear that it was a complete falsehood. Why didnt you have him on the job before this? Mason asked irritably. Mr. Mason, something... I must see you at once! Something very unforeseen has happened. And I hope to breach a big one tonight. She wants to change my bandage. Go to hell, Drake said. WHEN PERRY MASON ENTERED HIS OFFICE AT NINE-THIRTY Tuesday morning Della Street said,Dorley Alder is out there. “Whats new? Your mother. I mentioned that I wanted to let him know about your being in the hospital, and thats when she told me he died. He paused. Only she didnt tell me how he died. Kind of? Dino reached over and adjusted Stones necktie. There, thats better, he said. “I hope. Fourteen weeks. Jess worked out the math. By going in after it. Thirty-One Nice airplane, Lance said. I think it was more thanliked, Devine. Audrey looked at me strangely.He talked about you a lot. It wasnt about you exactly, but it was about you and the union back in sixty-four...