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So, Mason said, we try to reconstruct the conditions under which that first shot was fired. In all probability, Lutts had his back turned. How did I know it wasnt a crank call? Im in the news because of Congresswoman Bradshaw. It could have been one of Dorseys people just trying to run me around in circles.’ Oh, the usual: Russians, Balkans, and jewel thieves from Marseilles, and not much of those. We could use a little excitement; maybe youve brought some with you. And it was then that he realized his mistake, the one that had been nagging at him the whole ride in. Mason smiled reassuringly at the witness.Mrs. Marvel, theres no reason for you to be upset about any of your testimony. Didnt the defendant simply tell you that she was acting under my advice, that she thought a certain taxicab driver was going to identify her and that she wanted to test his memory to see whether he really knew who she was? Why? To make peace with him? How? Safer, she replied. Where are you? The fellow looked like a well-worn slab of granite. His gray hair was bristly and cut short. His features were chiseled and fierce. The salt-and-pepper eyebrows swooped in all directions. The decades-old suit never had been expensive or of good quality when brand-new, but it was so unremarkable as to still be serviceable now. The red-and-blue-striped tie was too wide for the times, the collared button-down shirt a bit worn around the edges. He couldnt see the mans shoes from here, but if he had to guess, Devine would speculate they were black, and pedestrian, and shined to spit-polish perfection. By that time, Mason said, well have tried to find out something else to do. In the meantime, Im going to— She nodded.But only to change my shoes and stockings. And the guy who found Saras body? Jah. All we can do now is wait for Herbie to hear from Larkin and arrange a meet. She pointed the gun. Why, the district attorney found the person who had rented the cab. He pointed her out to me and told me she was a friend of the—..