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Devine sat down beside her.Im sorry. But maybe its for the best. Fred said,The police now believe that Sara was... that someone... killed her. He put a hand to his mouth even as Ellen let out a sob. Murfin and Freddie Koontz and I had a final drink in The Feathered Nest bar and grill. Koontz hadnt tried to get the meeting going again. Instead, he had let the members stand around and tell each other what they had seen and what heroes they had been. After they finally got tired of that, they went home. What did you do? Thanks, Dino said. Please let us know if a stranger, male or female, comes in. I was talking to Mike when the sat system went down, so I tried her, instead. He was about to say something meaningful about the hit list when we were cut off. It wasnt the 6:20, but it still passed by Brad Cowls humble digs. You mean about going back to the kids and the little woman? Just chasing the money, like everybody else. If he comes, how long will he take to get here? A razor blade, she said. In other words, your weapon collection checked out numerically until the discovery of the so-called fatal weapon? I went home and started going over the stuff I found. Let me know if you hear back from him. Never. Unless I need to, I mean. Detectives Ekman and Shoemaker were waiting for him...