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Oh, someone has just handed me your hit list. Brown? They hanged him all right. They captured him on October eighteenth and hanged him on December second. Oh, Your Honor, Gloster said, this is .. She blinked back the tears.But, Mr. Mason… somehow … that paper… Roger Vullo listened with rapt attention as I gave him the same report that I had given Murfin. I knew Vullos attention was rapt because he forgot to bite his fingernails. However, when I was through, or thought I was through, he wanted even more details than Murfin had demanded although Vullo didnt seem to find it at all strange that I could recognize one of my mothers old silver spoons. But then Roger Vullo had had silver spoons in his house when he was a kid. Whats wrong? Drake asked. And, Mason said, pointing his finger at her, you went to see George S. Alder on the evening of the third at about the hour of nine oclock P.M., didnt you? Now, just a minute before you answer, Carmen. Remember that your movements can be traced on that night. Edelstein said,The police claim that Cory Tuckers trunk lock had not been tampered with. This was supposed to mean, I guess, that there was no chance that the rifle had been planted in his car trunk. I found this conclusion to be rash and reckless, so I consulted with Mr Rosencrantz here. Ill let him take it from here. But it may have been a day or two later when you put this purse in the envelope. I want to go see Poppy. What for? !® Chapter 9 Im not sure. I dont think anyone works on the floor. I think its just computers. I figured. He went outside and got on the motorcycle...