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Because you wanted to brag about something, Stone replied. Thank you. I read in the paper about this list Stone got, Vanessa said. Have you two made any headway on that? Anybody hear a shot? Miss Street, cant you make him understand? Dorothy Fenner asked tearfully. I thought that what I was doing was for the best. I thought I could trap George Alder into making some admission that would help us. I thought I could perhaps get some definite information about Corrine. I dont think Mr. Mason appreciates … “ Jah? The defendant. With us. I know him. Mason nodded. He looked between them.What? I dont understand. Youre damn right you are. He dragged me into this. I want you to help me kick him out. You have a driver named Betty. Hancock also knew I was an Army Ranger. He knew that the first time he saw me. It became part of the mountain, maybe a mile short of the ski area. I have just a few more questions of this witness. chubby girl dating..