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Theres a place called the Yard of Ale, on East Fifty-third Street. What about Mix? Gertie nodded, returned to the other office, and Mason picked up his extension phone. A moment later he heard the click of the connection.Hello, he said cautiously. I sent an email to Sara that she thought was from Brad Cowl basically ordering her to pull an all-nighter to meet a deadline. I later deleted it completely. And I mean completely. I know how. The NSA desperately wanted me to work for them, and Idid for a year, which I never told anyone about. The NSA usually signs you to five-year deals. They dont like turnover for obvious reasons. But what were they going to do to me? They could keep me from getting another government job, but I didnt want that. So they had no leverage. But the bottom line is that I know how to wipe thingsclean. Jerry had never left the building. He hid in the storage closet where Sara was found. He waited until very late to make sure no one was around, went to her office, strangled her, and then strung her up. Can we shoot him for that in Maine? Longmire, I said. What page? I said. Thatll have to do, Stone said. Whats our plan? How long is for a while? Gunderson asked. Maries over at her cousins. She just wanted to get out of here. And I cant say I blame her.’ I bought them off the Widow Quane who may or may not come to stay with us for a while on Saturday, if she doesnt decide to kill herself first. So why was he onthat floor, where Ewes had died? Were you able to trace those emails? Because I just got another one. He showed Campbell the latest message. 20 You know Ruth. Yes, sir...