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He headed to the subway, leaving the woman alone with her margarita, chips, and guac. Maybe and maybe not, replied Montgomery. They might have found it but didnt remove it so you wouldnt know they had discovered it. Give them time to come up with a counterattack. If you want the truth, I saw you go in. I wanted to talk to you about Sara. She was really nice to me, and Im beyond bewildered that she would have killed herself. I mean, she had everything to live for, unless Im missing something. Someone took a shot at us— Sorry, at me. He missed. Right. Hard to believe that Cory would buy a rifle. Hes pretty anti-gun. That part of Showalters story doesnt work at all.’ Yes. A wasted trip. The radio wasnt left turned on when you and Doxey drove up? Ted was drunk. His champagne glass was held at a sixty-degree angle. Why cant you tell me where he is now? Mason asked. All I could ask for, Stone said. He looked over at her, his own suspicions ratcheting up.When did you leave the penthouse last night? I saw you by the pool from the train. I didnt say that. Oh, Dino just came in, she said. Are we expecting him? That happens in real life, not just on TV? Now, wait a minute, Harlan insisted. Weve all got a problem to consider. We— Well, I dont think so, Your Honor. I … Your Honor, Hamilton Burger said, that question is objected to as incompetent, irrelevant and immaterial, no proper foundation laid, argumentative, and assuming a fact not in evidence. There is no evidence whatever that anyone substituted weapons...