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Freeze! Dino shouted from behind him. Now, sit down in that witness chair, Mason said, and tell us about the load of junk you took out to the dump yesterday morning, Mrs. Claffin. I didnt kill him. Heavens, no. And as a rule, dinner was right on time? Go ahead. Thats your duty and privilege. Its my duty to protect my client. How do you know the questions will be embarrassing? Mason asked. I glanced back at Slick. He looked at me and then at Audrey. Audrey seemed to be the only danger so he raised the Walther carefully, aiming it at her with both hands. Devines mother was a first-generation American of Greek extraction, and he had taken after her in looks, while his siblings had favored their Irish father. Devine had dark, wavy hair, olive skin, a thickened nose, rugged chin, square jawline, and deep-set eyes that seemed to automatically broadcast brooding regardless of what he was actually thinking. Some people just thought he always looked pissed off. And maybe he was. And his five oclock shadow seemed to sneak up on him at noon. It didnt look exotic or cool; it just looked grungy. What the hell is this — some sort of a cross-examination? I know her, yes. Whats that got to do with it? You ever shoot anybody before? I mean, actually hit them? Cross-examination? Judge Sedgwick asked Hamilton Burger. And what did you do? What do you mean by immediately? A matter of seconds, a matter of hours, or a matter of days? Yeah, it was. The cops have been talking to me and others here. Apparently, they said someone came into the lobby at midnight and then left at one ten a.m...

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