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And then what? He got off on the forty-first floor and found Wanda Simms about a minute later. She normally got in early, he knew, and she had her office on this floor. She was striding through the halls making sure that everything in her domain was ready to go for when everyone arrived. He imagined her home would be spotless and well organized right down to the kitchen cutlery drawers and the kitty litter box. But if shes lying and shes my enemy? You may have a point there, she said. Judge Sedgwicks lips tightened. The Court is without power to prevent this situation if — Mrs. Harlan. He paused; he was uncomfortable.Well, I dont think it was a serious attempt to kill the congresswoman. What did you do the other times? Are you kidding? I couldnt find any. I was in the wrong crowd. Slick loosened his tie, but didnt take off his coat. The loosened tie was ample evidence that he was concerned. He followed me down the stairs and around the house. A quarter of a mile away, where the dirt lane turned in from the wood, a car had stopped. It was pulled over to the edge of the lane. A man was on top of the car, reaching up with something shiny. Where? Herbie sat quietly, reading the papers. He turned a page. Were you mistaken? And keep them in your office until Frank and his partner check back with us. We dont want them shooting the Agency people and vice versa. The first cop I saw, I asked,Any idea where Congresswoman Bradshaw is? Id advise you to read the law on blackmail, Mason said. However, I havent time to argue with you now. Im hoping I can get to shore without being detected. Good night, Dorothy...