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Mason said quite affably, as befits a victorious antagonist,I take it that the district attorney is merely stating his contentions? Someone rapped at the door. Stone walked over and put his ear against it. He looked at her inscrutably, certain thoughts, uncomfortable thoughts, running through his mind.I dont think Will would know which end of a knife to stab someone with. And with his big gut hes not crawling through windows. He can barely walk up the stairs. And if he was working with the people behind the money laundering theyd have plenty of skilled foot soldiers to do the deeds. But— Denny told Don about it a few days before he was killed. Don said Denny didnt regret anything — not about the racist group or robbing banks, not even the bank teller whod been shot pretty badly by one of the other men. He just wanted Don to know the truth. He said if he was killed it would be by Showalter. Don had to figure out some of it by himself after Denny died, but Im sure he was right.’ I just started walking to the front door. If it had been, wed have seen it. We looked the room over for bullet holes. What? I was checking the phone constantly, to make sure it was all good. And it was until my ride into the city. It sounds like Slick, I said. He must have been the one who had Vullo bring me into it. Work it out with Mike Freeman, Stone said. We dont want the two groups shooting each other. Why not? No. Then the next morning we called Murfin here and got him up out of bed in Washington. Im not. Im happy as a lark. Stone went in and bought two bottles of Far Niente, a cabernet and a chardonnay, and a bottle of Knob Creek. Then he went back to the Eagles, changed clothes, and left them a note: I dont have to answer that. He nodded.That was her? Could you see into Lutts office? Warner B. Gallops was not much more than twenty-four then, which would make him thirty-six now. He was a tall, very black, almost shy young man who spoke slowly and carefully as if he werent too sure of his grammar and was worried about making mistakes. The only one that I ever heard him make was his inevitable use of mens for men, but I had seen no point in correcting him, not if I wanted those eight votes that he had in his hip pocket. Then I was outside in the cold autumn night, the shadows hiding the assassin who waited, not for me, but for Jess...