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Yeah. Wait a minute, did you know her? I— He waved me off and then began taking deep breaths. My names Andy Bromfield. I saw Dave last night. He was— One more deep breath. ‘I just saw him for a couple of minutes at this convenience store. We live in the same neighborhood. He was pretty messed up. Scared and kind of babbling. He was like that when he first got back from Afghanistan. I couldn’t figure out what he was talking about. We were high-school buddies. I tried to call Cindy but I didn’t get any answer. I was worried about him.’ Mason smilingly returned the letter to his brief case, patted her encouragingly on the back, said under his breath,Well, youre in it now, and youve got me in it too. I need to leave now. Mason climbed the first flight of stairs, looked around at the gloomy rooms, inhaled the musty air, then started up the second flight, paused midway up the flight to inspect the reddish-brown stain which had soaked into the wood, marking the place where the body of George C. Lutts had been resting when discovered by his startled son-in-law. I thought about where Vullo might find himself another Max Quane and then I had an idea. But before I could tell him about it his secretary came in with the check. She handed it to Vullo who scrawled his name on it and then moved it across his huge desk to Murfin who signed with something of a flourish and handed it to me. I looked at it, saw that it was for five thousand dollars, and put it in my pocket. Devine looked at him curiously.You want to try that again? Frances, Stone said, you might as well wear a sign around your neck saying, Please Shoot Me. A gift from the gods. That dates you right there. Income tax bothering you? Mason asked. Stone, Dino said, you take the car and drive up to Lenox Hill. Ill stay here and go through the place with my people. The firm had had an all-hands-on-deck meeting at nine oclock in the largest conference room. Surprisingly, Brad Cowl didnt speak. He wasnt even there. Neither did the mysterious Anne Comely pop out of a cake and give her two cents’ worth to the troops. Instead, one of the top executives provided scant information about the crime. Slick? So it gives me great pleasure to dedicate this book to my friend: All made at the same time?..